
Dear Nadine (Mamma Tjhoko) 

Thank you Tjhoko paint for giving my mind a rest to recover and recharge 

I am definitely not an artist! I am not able to colour in a children’s book if my life depend on it.  But a few years ago I went through a very hard emotional  time. And I decided  to join one of the classes Nadine held on paint techniques.  I enjoyed my time allot, and realized that for that time that I was painting my mind could rest and recover.

 For someone that knows nothing about art, I have to take all the help I can get… And Tjhoko secretly helps Me. 

THE SECRET TO TJHOKO PAINT IS :  Tjhoko does the art part … I just paint.

Whith Great fulfillment

Liefste Nadine, Jaco, kroos en res van die Tjhoko familie,

Wat ‘n uitdaging om ‘n ‘testimonial’ te skryf wat nie ‘n hele boek is nie!  Vanaf Desember 2020 het julle ons lewens in soveel wonderlike maniere verryk.Die beste wat ek kan doen, om vir julle dankie te probeer sê, is om Tjhoko Paint as ‘n akroniem te (probeer) gebruik en vir elke letter ‘n betekenis uit my hart te gee.