Thinus’s Terracotta


I have three very special Thinuses in my life: my dad, my brother (more about him later) and our businesspartner. Like J’co, Thinus’s Terracotta is inspired by two role-players in my life: my dad Thinus, and Uncle Thinus (as we know him), our partner. My dad and Uncle Thinus are alike in many ways. Their understanding of human nature, their ability to listen and to analyse a situation, and their warmth. Terracotta means ‘baked earth’ and symbolises life experience.  I am enormously grateful to the Thinuses who have added colour to my life. Rich and earthy. Thinus’s Terracotta chalk paint can transform any old furniture into fresh and gorgeous. Give a wall some texture and add life to old plant pots.

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1 Litre, 500 ml, 250 ml, 28 ml, 25 ml