Ek wou nog ALTYD verf maar om die waarheid te sê ek het NIKS geweet van hoe of waar om te begin nie. Ek is deur iemand op die Tjhoko Facebook Groep geadd. Ek kan regtig nie onthou deur wie nie, maar na ñ tafel plasing wat ek gesien het wat iemand gemaak het, het ek my "vriendin" gevind - TJHOKO! Ek het absoluut verlief geraak op Tjhoko Verf!

-Nadia Fourie

TJHOKO PAINT is absolutely the BEST!! I love the product, it is easy to work with and it just makes me feel alive and happy. But to top it all is the wonderful support and know how videos on YouTube.

-Hannelie Botha

I wish to thank you and your team for the great service I received with my order and my lovely free gift, and also for the great videos you share with us on Youtube, as well as the help and support on your Facebook page.

-Mickey Young

You have made it till the end!

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